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Residential Painting

Residential Painting: Interior & Exterior

At NorthStar Paint & Finish, we specialize in transforming your home with a fresh coat of paint. From the inside to the outside, a single room or the entire house, we use only the highest quality materials and techniques to ensure a beautiful, lasting finish.

Commercial Painting

Commercial Painting

We understand that your business needs to look its best, and that’s why we offer top-notch commercial painting services. Our skilled team will work with you to create a professional, polished look that will make your business stand out from the competition.

Wallpaper Installation

Wallpaper Application & Installation

In addition to painting, we also offer wallpaper application services. Whether you’re looking to add a pop of pattern to your walls with wallpaper, we’ve got you covered.

Wood Staining & Deck Refinising

Wood Staining & Deck Refinishing

Minnesota winters can wreak havoc on our decks, not to mention the dry air indoors on our best wood surfaces. NorthStar Paint & Finish brings decks back to life and creates a center piece for your outdoor spaces. And, we work with your to choose the right stain for your doors, trim, ceilings, and more, to create beautiful indoor spaces, as well.